Are you flexible?

Are you flexible?

What are some of the most common remarks that onlookers say about yoga and mediation? “I’m not flexible. I don’t know how to meditate. My mind is always thinking. I can’t sit still to meditate”. Maybe you’ve heard or spoken those...
Does this tide of quarantine behoove you?

Does this tide of quarantine behoove you?

What have you learned thus far during this tide of quarantine? It seems to me that we’re all here collectively for a greater purpose, to ignite heartfelt presence and compassion for the entire world. In recent weeks, I have found myself so sensitive that I can...
A Bizarre Day

A Bizarre Day

The word I woke up to today is, bizarre. This word in itself places an expansive bar on perspective. Strange weird curious. What does it mean in these times of struggle and the unknown? How do we coexist with an invisible war? For one, nothing appears normal, and yet...