Slow down your thoughts and relax

Peaceful tips and conscious gift ideas for the holiday season.

Shine your light out from a place of contentment. How do you find that state of mind? 

Let your creative juices flow with confidence and courage. There’s no time to play small. Be victorious and exhibit your light of kaleidoscopic colors. Slow down your thoughts and relax even though it’s one of the fastest-paced, busiest times of the year. 

Celebrate the gift of you each day. 

Embrace the essence of your heart chakra with unconditional love for yourself and beam that out on others.

Commit to fall in love with yourself more and more each day. That’s what you call unconditional love and self-acceptance. You came here with a purpose to share your gifts with the world. What are you waiting for?

Regulate your voice of reason, heal your wounds with loving words, bring silence to the throat chakra, let go of self-sabotage and use your words like blessings to instill positive energy.  Speak with kind words and use your voice wisely.

Balance your negative beliefs with positive thoughts for peace-of-mind. Try a new mantra and match it with movement, to keep your mind focussed on something other than your shopping lists. 

What are you listening to lately, for inspiration? Musical notes, inside voices? Avoid the battles and let the voice of reason shine from an intuitive space of trust and acceptance.

Book a 1:1 transformation/meditation session with me to plan ahead for your 20/20 vision of peace. Let your life be full of love and compassion in the new year.

“The Winter Blues Are Real” Workshop date(s) will soon be announced (look out for details).

May your holiday season be filled with plenty of time to celebrate, pause and may you find the freedom you’re searching for to create a seasonal plate full of abundant bliss.

Share your gift of peace as a gift to others.

With Love & Bliss, Marla

Creator: Conscious Connection Course, Book a discovery call to learn more about how to ignite the teacher in you? 11-weeks of the action bliss clarity method, the next round begins the second week of January.

Consider some of these options as gifts for yourself, family or friends.

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Kindness Rules! The world needs more peacemakers now and this begins with us!

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