Have you ever set a goal and in the end, not followed through on it? Do you want to complete the unfinished business that most people partake in this time of year and move the needle forward?

Spin the wheel to hit the target you aim for? To start:

  • Focus on your life-sustaining breath as a formula to steer you in the sustainable direction.
  • Gather with people you trust to uplift your spirit.
  • Follow both of these actions up with the steadfast power you have within and learn how to distribute the results with positive outcomes.

You’re within reach if you envision a goal or dream as complete before you reach too high or feel let down. Acknowledge the baby steps..

What do you want? Create space for you to write, type or go audible so you’re congruent in a message of projection.

  • Learn mood shift techniques to stabilize your emotions as they swing and sway.
  • Build an auxiliary of defense with a handy peace toolbox.
  • Engage in tasks or delve into a hobby that encourages satisfaction
  • Bring enthusiasm and passion to the table in any family setting, mealtime, or workspace

What’s the appropriate action to take in order to invoke change? If you want to manifest something anew, start with a regimen of repetition that sticks long after your initial attempt.

Head over to a local yoga class or join a meditation group that’ll take you in expressive conversation through space and time in conscious awareness.

Your projection requires emotional stability and authenticity. Join me in the Moods Shift Workshop on January 24th.

Signup for the next Conscious Connections Course to invoke the teacher within.

The world needs more peacemakers and this begins with us!

Happy New Year.

With love and light,


Kindness rules!