The Writing Circle That Opened My Eyes

Becoming the best version of you!

So much has stirred in me since I submitted my book manuscript for its first edits in September 2023.

As I circle back to 2019 when I enrolled in a transformational writing program for women, Dawn, our brilliant coach, guided us to step into the process with commitment and consistency.

I’m grateful for this original core group. We met weekly on Zoom for nine months except for the last week of the month, which was reserved for us to integrate and write. Plus we all were paired with an accountability partner. Each time I applied the tools and techniques, I began releasing thoughts, rearranging sentences, and shaping them into meaningful stories.

When it was my turn to submit a piece for what was called the “love-seat,” I wrote from my heart. I spent days preparing into the late night hours. With each submission, like all of my peers, I experienced a new form of vulnerability, knowing it would be met with valuable feedback.

One week, I decided to share a story I hadn’t thought of in many years. I didn’t fully understand why it had resurfaced, only that it held a quiet sadness, an underlying truth about who I am and what shaped me.

The Writing Circle That Opened My Eyes

How and why does hate pass from one generation to another? That moment opened a door to deeper reflection, a journey I continue today.

For another story, I focused on why women gossip instead of supporting each other because we are intuitive, creative, all-knowing, compassionate, and expansive, and when we stand toghter we shine brighter.

May the significance of International Women’s Day lead us to more self-awareness as a formula to honor all the women who have come into our lives through different passages of time.

Women celebrating and respecting each other every day; honoring our accomplishments. Let the powerful voices of women rising in all facets of corporate and private businesses, the city, and the rural dwellers uplift and support communities and people of all ethnic and diverse backgrounds.

Rising women, like our grandmothers and those before us, are multidimensional. Their jagged and soft facets contribute to the sparkle of individuality and keep the world turning and vibrant.

In honor of Women’s History Month, let’s celebrate our big and small accomplishments. Do something to uplift another.

Although I’ve had many moments where I wanted to paint and play instead of facing some of the more difficult conversations or meeting deadlines to finsh my book. I’m proud of my accomplishments so far.

In times we feel like stopping—give yourself a hug for showing up as you are.  Your journey is uniquely yours. Keep asking, creating, connecting, and simply being.

• If you have an idea or vision—big or small—act on it. Call the friend you’ve been thinking about. Visit the museum. Start the thing.

• Set goals, but don’t be hard on yourself if you haven’t started yet. Inspiration flows in its own time.

• Maybe sitting on the couch eating bon bons isn’t such a bad thing after all. (Ha!) Rest is part of the process, too.

Pay it forward, Compliment a friend.

Kudos to you for all of your brilliance.

Thank you for being here.

With love and light from my heart space to yours,



P.S.  Share the love and light of this post with someone you love.

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