Riding the Merry-Go-Round of Life

Bumblebee was the first word that came to me during a recent writer’s group sprint. From there, random thoughts flowed to what was buzzing.

As mentioned in my last email, and to be transparent, I, like many of my friends and family, am impacted by mental health matters in our families and in the collective.

I pondered silently in an outcry of fear, wondering how to escape my funk and still access joy.

If I, a human DOER, CAN SLOW DOWN AND FEEL, wanting to undo and rewrite my missteps with a plea to change the story’s outcome. Then I could be a detective and delve deep into my personal thoughts on a journey of discovery. As a result, my self-expression morphed into this poem.

The Merry-Go-Round

Once upon a time, I worked on Merry Lane.
It was ages ago, but with clairvoyant satellites, might we become the architects who run the show into the fifth or sixth dimensions—where conjunction meets our past and melds the here and now?

If only for a millisecond, we could merge past relations with the present, even though we’re light years away from outer space and other galaxies.

Corralling we are, on lands near and far.
Clownfish meandering aimlessly,
Treading waters of imperial reefs,
Love succumbs as we bid farewell,
Grief lounges on the couch as one departs, zigzagging to beating hearts.

Ancestral bones cease to be discovered.
Burning as steadfast sentiments, erroneous, on fire.
Erupting plight,
Impassioned virtues, souls commune under the twilight.
Converging deals, castaways hidden in eerie cornfields,

Some are divisive, driven by delirium,
Swagging from superficial gloss.
Others roll on coastal towns’ hills, valleys, plains, and cliffside bluffs.
Synergists moving, prancing, for glorious merriments on life’s merry-go-rounds.
Perhaps it’s in our rising, reading, ruminating or self-regulating mood devices such as mindful energy awareness tools.

Breathing in and out to explore the silence and bring expansive energies in.

Doing what it takes to feel good enough to get up from the slouch and go at it again, one step, one breath, one day at a time.

Though I continue to indulge in timeouts for myself, I must admit in the serendipitous of it all, we need each other to remind us we’re not alone.

So; if you too are in the phase of lovingly listening to your heart and soul; let’s stay in touch.

There is so much more to discover and unfold in the days and weeks ahead. Wishing you and your family well.

Love and light

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