Love is on the go

Happy New Year my friend. I hope this finds you and your family safe and well as life continues to shift.

Just a few weeks back, my daughter was not sure if her home away from home on the west coast in the exquisite mountains of LA county would burn. She only took a few things with her thinking it was a precautionary evacuation. Wild fire warning were a way of warning residents that power lines might need to be shut off. So what would you take if you only had a moment to think?

And even though the ball only dropped last month and it’s now 2025—- the one thing I know for sure is that I remain the same woman—-searching for my highest self while making an honest attempt to inspire and stand up for what I believe in.

Upon entering this new season, I feel a mix of emotions. Saddened by loss and for certain things that have yet to change. Happy for the joys of my imaginative and real world—where hearts melt because love connects us-—and the sun shines revealing the wonder of a species drawn to beach sunsets and flowing water.

Today I invite you to center your thoughts on love. Turn every moment into an opportunity to see Love in nature, in te food you eat, ibn the human connections, to believe in Love and and live in abundance of Love.

For love can be elevated on any day of the year..

If anything, from all of the decay, we can begin again, turn an old thought into something new for even if a home no longer stands, our hearts can be full.

For its in the rubble that we can rebuild. Stay well my friend

Keep going. Keep shining.. Personal belonging can be replaced, Most significant is that we remember to take love with us and sprinkle it upon others wherever we go.

xoxoxo Marla

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