Amplifying the Holiday Light with Conscious Love 2024/2025

Is it just me, or are you also savoring the afterglow of the holiday season while readying yourself for the promise of a new year? For some, this time feels like an interlude between celebrations, while for others, it’s an opportunity for reflection. As for me, I find myself guided by the internal and external light of this season, and I hope these thoughts offer you a sense of renewal or a peaceful perspective.

Wherever light shines—be it in nature, a crackling fire, the flick of a switch, or glowing candles—it reflects the brilliance within. When we choose to see this radiance in others, our hearts ignite, amplifying the love that connects and sustains us. Though connecting with this eternal or conscious light may not be as instantaneous as turning on a lamp or striking a match, it invites us to live from a place of fulfillment and abundance. No matter how dark the winter nights or the nights of our souls, this light holds the power to stir, guide, and transform us.

How are you feeling as Christmas, whether you celebrated or not, settles into memory? Tonight, the third night of Hanukkah will unfold, rooted in the lunisolar rhythm of the moon’s cycles. May the embodied light of this season be as enduring as the gift of present-moment connection.

When we recognize commonality, we can weave the threads of shared light to strengthen togetherness—whether in person or through the enduring bonds of memory. Each interaction offers us lessons on how to illuminate one another and nurture connection.

For weeks now, I’ve been leaning into change, grappling with what is beyond my control—like the passage of time, the discord in the world, and the tender complexities within my own family. These challenges have been mirrors, reflecting where disharmony resides within me. Daily, I remind myself not to absorb the energy of others and instead rise above it.

There are moments when I feel overwhelmed, yet my inner voice gently lifts me, reminding me of our interconnectedness. Every human experience can draw us closer. In our shared humanity, we find a glimmer of light—a sparkle in our eyes and a warmth in our hearts—that reminds us we are never truly alone.

When I see the light in you, it reflects the light within me. This sacred exchange extends to everyone we encounter, transcending race, religion, or nationality. We all share the same breath of the universe, the same sunlight touching each of us across the globe.

As menorah candles are lit and trees glow with tinsel, may we carry this spirit of soulful connection forward. Let us sprinkle more sunshine into each other’s lives with united light and clarity. Our wounds and joys alike can become bridges of understanding, showing us that we are one ocean of breath, one shared humanity.

As 2025 approaches, may we connect the dots toward a gentler, more compassionate, and abundant world. I’ll continue to share reflections, blessings, and inspirations in the days ahead.

Wishing you and your loved ones joy, light, and grace. May the goals you refine, the boundaries you honor, and the light you share remind you of the divine spark within, as Lillie Kae reminded me today in yoga with a story about her father’s words. He once told her that her kindness toward a challenging neighbor reflected her divinity—and that same divine light resides in you and me.

Keep reaching and climbing. I can’t wait for more love-filled connections and radiant conversations with you in the coming weeks and the new year.

With love, light, and holiday cheer,

Keep shining my friend,


Photo Credit (top): Live display in Haifa Israel

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2 months ago

You have a beautiful way about you. Your words resonate with me and thank you so much. Bringing in the new year with much hope, happiness, and renewal. Joy

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