Bitter Lemons Turning Sweet

It’s been a while since we last connected. And because the throes of life have taken precedence, both proofreading my book and the “important piece” I was planning to send to you were set aside.

In my return to your inbox, I offer you a reflection plus travel recap.

Have you ever thought, if only we could box up – the easeful, sweet, flowery, nostalgic pastime splash momentum of a travel vacation or summer mode and bring it with you on the go?

If so, why not buckle up and prepare for the invisible and inevitable school buses that might slow your commute?

Consider merging forces to recreate your favorite scenes.

If you hit a glitch, take time to recalibrate and regroup because traveling with all of its planning and prepping for relaxation can get frustrating too.

On one excursion, while my daughter Rachel and I were waiting for transportation in Amalfi, we were met with commotion from other tourists and locals. Raised voices ensued on the bus line while a raging cab/van driver heckled us for the highest rate.

Then my daughter got resourceful and called our hotel. With an hour and half wait, we returned to the square across the street. Although lemon gelato in the rain wasn’t our plan, we created an unexpected new memory and later returned in time for our dinner reservation.

Over the last few months, I have traveled via plane, boat, and car across vast oceans near and far. And though I was scared, I even tried paddle boarding for the first time, which looped me through Portugal’s coastal bluffs.

In addition to spectacular sights and ordinary days of appointments, yoga/ fitness classes and cafes, and dealing with lots of external noise that’s not in my control, I’ve had many chit-chats with incredible women like you.

While many have shared their difficulties, some exuded joy for their current season of life.

Which brings me to wonder, Dear Radiant Woman, how are you?

I hope this finds you rested, rejuvenated, relaxed, and restored from days of peaceful bliss to busy barbeques.

  • When life tastes like sour lemons, add a little honey and find the sweetness.
  • If frustrations arise, keep your internal and external communication light and carefree.
  • Take one conscious step with your attention on an elongated breathflow to progress with joy.

If you’d love to bottle up a memory, perhaps you can even recall a frustrating moment that turned to laughter? And even though routines have begun (summer is not officially over until September 21st) for those in the Northern Hemisphere.

Any blips bumps or joys to report.

I’m all ears. You have a friend in me.

Love and Light

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