Mending Your Heart and Aches

Does it ever feel like there’s no way out of your spiraling thoughts? For me, I do my best to step out of my own way by changing my state and setting boundaries on how and with whom I spend my time, ensuring my energy stays aglow.

Until THE ONE DAY shortly before our annual summer trip to Maine.

Yes, it all started so innocently. First, with an early gym fitness class, then onto a barre class, and when I realized I could make it to 9:30 am yoga, I went.

It was there I began to notice stiffness in my buttucks and piriformis (a muscle that runs from your thigh to spine) and that can become over or under stretched wrestling and a syndrome. By evening, the tightness that had been creeping in for the past few weeks began traveling from tight hips down one leg, resulting in nerve pain.

Sure, in the process of releasing stress and moving the energy, I felt great but I also overdid it! Has that ever happened to you?

At least I was tending to my health yet it went too far. During the pandemic a similar pain had gone so deep and I was stuck home since we were in lockdown, and there it was again, my sciatica reappeared.

So, I amped up. Booked Reiki and acupuncture sessions along with other health and wellness professionals to help me navigate my mind, body and spirit. I sought counsel, listened to my intuition and voiced my concerns and feelings at appropriate and perhaps not so appropriate moments.

After an incredible energy healing session with; meet Lorin, she too divulged that in her grief of losing her mother amid other life phases, her sciatica had presented itself in an acute state. She was doing everything from rest to seeking doctors and alternative modalities, all in hopes of shifting the emotional and physical pain.

We humans must do what we can to transform these bodily mysteries. (You can send her some energetic love because I sense she would welcome your loving thoughts.)

Isn’t that what life is all about? Highlighting each other for the magnificent light beings we are. We want to see our reflection in another shining star and want that for everyone in our mind, body, and spirit.

How to access a peace of mind when it feels like life is not in your control?

Our setbacks and victories are each other’s. We are of one ocean – sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, children of the world swimming in our emotional tides, wandering and wondering when we might ever make time to float on a raft with a mocktail and be thankful for what we have instead of waiting for someone to fix matters, before the raft deflates.

Offering heartfelt prayers to all beings affected by weathering emotions, loss, storms or war zone news.

With love and light, Marla

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