Dear Friend, The time for vigilance in our self-care routines is now. Pausing to reflect and feel the aftermath of a tumultuous year with the rise of division on many topics including Israel’s right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people. Are women...
Greetings to you on this crisp sunny fall day here in the northeast. I hope you and your family are well and that you’re relishing or at least observing the playfulness of this spooktacular season (no matter if you’re celebrating Halloween or not). I don’t...
When my daughter Amanda gave me the green light to assist with her “We All Feel” retreat, I said yes. I was honored despite my reservations since I’m sensitive to summer heat and was in the midst of book proofreading, but I had kept the date open just in case....
Does it ever feel like there’s no way out of your spiraling thoughts? For me, I do my best to step out of my own way by changing my state and setting boundaries on how and with whom I spend my time, ensuring my energy stays aglow. Until THE ONE DAY shortly...
I can hardly fathom that it’s been a year since I traveled abroad for a yoga retreat in Ireland. I was there on October 7th as news unfolded. My heart ached for Israel and the human lives lost and taken hostage. As an American Jew, many days of confusion and...