Part 1: Antisemitism From a Jewish Woman’s Perspective; Offerings of Truce

Dear Friend,

The time for vigilance in our self-care routines is now. Pausing to reflect and feel the aftermath of a tumultuous year with the rise of division on many topics including Israel’s right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people.

Are women supporting all women as it relates to the atrocities committed by a terrorist organization on October 7th?

Human rights, helping thy neighbor?

Taking a stance for what we believe in along with being of service to families and communities at large.

Where did you come from? Who are you? Who am I?

I’ve heard this question bubble over and over throughout my life and as it relates to The Radiant Woman in me honoring and respecting the radiance in you.

Last Spring, I began writing about the rise in antisemitism. The renderings morphed over the summer and resurfaced yesterday after the Election Day results.

Today as I shed light upon a complicated subject, I hope it encourages you to breathe a little lighter with me as we enter the vast unknown.

Can we do this?

Process our emotions regarding an outcome while respecting another’s opinion. It’s easier said than done, yet I truly believe it’s the only way to advocate for what you or I want and hold to be true (coupled with our biases) while elevating our human spirit.

Our early upbringings and personal experiences have shaped us into who we are today.

Are we doing enough to prepare ourselves for transitions in life?

As I tread on water to further express myself, I forge ahead to resolve internal and external conflicts. I’ve been digging deeper into my heritage and purpose in hopes that something in my story might inspire, resonate, or stimulate a conversation on cultivating peace.

Soon after October 7th, a friend texted to see how I was doing. She recalled my love for Israel that deepened during an extended stay one summer during college. I was touched by her outreach.

Thanks in advance to you my friend, for journeying with me for what is the beginning of a three-part series titled; Antisemitism from a Jewish Woman’s Perspective.

If change is inevitable, why do so many of us lose sleep over things out of our control? We project into the future, clench fists, point fingers, or grind teeth in crises and try to pick up pieces in its aftermath.

How to rise from the ashes and build families on the foundation of faith and love when there are so many tug of wars?

And for all of our potential brilliance, it appears that a concerning number of individuals, many young on campuses throughout America and around the world, are being dominated by strong social media influences. How could any family, group, or religious sect go against one specific tribe and be permitted to spread terror and evil? Desecrating buildings with hateful graffiti. When will the belligerence end?

From one season to the next, one century to another, may the grace bestowed upon the men women, and children of the world tune their bodies minds, and spirits so that we see each other in the light of God or whomever one believes in … we are one collection of magnificent beings and the power is with the people leading from their hearts, not their misaligned thoughts.

For me, growing up in towns, and going to schools where I was of a minority group gave me insight into being different. As a youngster, I relied on my friends to lift me.

Undertaking my Bat Mitzvah—a Jewish coming-of-age ceremony that involves reading from the Torah and taking on new responsibilities in the eyes of God—highlighted my differences from many of my peers. Unlike me, they didn’t celebrate the same holidays or share the same cultural traditions.

I strove then to be accepted and continue to strengthen my sensitivities by empowering myself to believe we can listen, respect, value, and even love others when we have opposing views and opinions.

We can aspire and learn how to support each other by taming our wild minds.

As I grew, some aspects from which I identified as a Jewish girl turned woman emboldened me with radiance.

From that, I have always learned that throughout history, as slaves, the Jewish people, fight for freedom. We are shaping the religion of our past into the present, for we are, I am a lover of life.

We as a human species are more alike than different.

My mission is to educate myself, learn from others, tap into my intuition and kindhearted spirit, and share my shine, one breath, one day at a time.

In times of conflict, may our political wars and spiritual cultures land in a cohesive desert where water becomes our shared commodity. May the faithful or faithless differences remind us to stand united in the name of love.

Potent offerings for truce:

  • Listen with compassion before responding.
  • Strengthen your intuition muscle by attending to what you can control like your breath flow and thoughts.

Breathe in: Patience
Breathe out: Shadowed beliefs

  • Resist gossip or judgment by seeing someone else in the image of a child who once learned survival from their parents and surroundings (a common recipe for one’s jaded perspective).
  • Lighten up enough to see our sameness where each human cord is meant to be set free.

The results are in. The answer is LOVE. The Radiant Woman’s Way! I’m rooting for us. Let’s rally together!

Wishing you and your family well.

From my expanded heart space to yours, Please stay in touch! You’ve got this, my friend. Keep shining!



For the featured photo, I asked Jennifer to capture my gaze for a more intense, subjective blog on antisemitism. I’d love to hear your thoughts on breaking barriers by following our hearts.

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Carol Seigel
Carol Seigel
3 months ago

Love this. Love you!

Jani McCarty
Jani McCarty
3 months ago

Thank you Marla – I applaud your courage and willingness to share honestly – with vulnerability, trust and love.
You are truly a Radiant woman – When you express through your Jewish heritage – you have so much to teach me and inspire me to BE better. I love you and your light. 💜

Jaimie Yannalfo
Jaimie Yannalfo
3 months ago

This is beautiful Marla. Thank you for sharing this. I never imagined living in a world filled with so much hatred towards the Jewish community. It’s so disheartening but I can only hope things will get better…

Vicki DobbsVicki
Vicki DobbsVicki
3 months ago

Bravo Marla… it takes courage to voice your authentic truth and be a beacon in your community. Thank you for sharing.

2 months ago


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